
Danter & Associates > Research > Articles

Comparable Market Rent

This special report details Danter & Associates methodology regarding the best way to determine comparable market rent, detailing the 100% database, the regression analysis, and how Danter & Associates methodology is different and better than selected comparables. Available in Acrobat format.

The Difference Between an Appraisal and a Market Feasibility Study

These two types of studies have different goals–and should require different methodologies.  This article explores these differences, particularly as they relate to the selected comparables methodology. In Acrobat format.

Real Estate Research Glossary

A listing of commonly used terms common to real estate research and market study with definitions.  In HTML format

What Constitutes a Vacancy

Explanation of the two different methodologies used for calculating vacancy rates, with some tips on what to look for in a rent and vacancy survey.    In HTML format

The Housing Continuum

A visual diagram and explanation of the typical pattern of households. In Acrobat format